• 9355014012
  • cs@sdmrc.in

    Becoming a SDMRC retailer is very easy. If you are a kirana store owner or have a small shop, all you need is a laptop or a smartphone to avail our services to your customers. The services we provide not only increase your customer base but also provide you with extra earnings.


    India has a large network of retailers. For every particular area there is a distributor assigned to few retailers. If you are in a Distributor business, you can share this opportunity to earn a little extra with your retailer network. All you need to do is reach out to your retailer network and help them become a SDMRC retailer and as a SDMRC Distributor, you can also earn commission on your network’s every transaction.


    SDMRC gives you an opportunity to earn attractive commissions by connecting you with a robust API System. We provide you API solutions for services such as AEPS(Aadhaar Enabled Payment System), Domestic Money Transfer, BBPS Mobile & DTH Recharge,UTI PAN CARD SMS ,PAYOUT,MICRO ATM,AADHAR PAY etc.


    India has a large network of retailers. For every particular area there is a Super  distributor assigned to few retailers. If you are in a Distributor business, you can share this opportunity to earn a little extra with your retailer network. All you need to do is reach out to your DISTRIBUTOR & retailer network and help them become a SDMRC DISTRIBUTOR & retailer and as a SDMRC Distributor, you can also earn commission on your network’s every transaction.